Publications 2024
- J. Berson, B. Rudolph, L. Spitzmueller, T. Kohl, Th. Schimmel:
Reporting nanoparticle tracers: Validation of performance in flow-through experiments simulating reservoir conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 637 (2024).
- L. Spitzmüller, J. Berson, F. Nitschke, T. Kohl, Th. Schimmel:
Titania-mediated stabilization of fluorescent dye encapsulation in mesoporous silica nanoparticles, Nanoscale Advances, 6 (13), 3450-3461 (2024).
- L. Spitzmüller, J. Berson, Th. Schimmel, T. Kohl, F. Nitschke:
Temperature stability and enhanced transport properties by surface modifications of silica nanoparticle tracers for geo-reservoir exploration, Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 19222 (2024).
- L. Speichermann-Jägel, S. Dullenkopf-Beck, R. Droll, D. Gandyra, M. Barczewski, S. Walheim,
Th. Schimmel:
Stable Air Retention under Water on Artificial Salvinia Surfaces Enabled by the Air Spring Effect: The Importance of Geometrical and Surface-Energy Barriers, and of the Air Spring Height, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2400400 (2024).
Publications 2023
- R. Gröger, T. Heiler, Th
. Schimmel, S. Walheim:
Tip-Induced Nanopatterning of Ultrathin Polymer Brushes, Small, 2204962 (2023).
- L. Spitzmüller, F. Nitschke, J. Berson, A. Maercks, B. Rudolph, Th. Schimmel, T. Kohl:
Nanoparticle-based tracing techniques in geothermal reservoir: Advances, challenges and prospects, PROCEEDINGS, 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, (2023)
- L. Spitzmüller, F. Nitschke, B. Rudolph, J. Berson, Th. Schimmel, T. Kohl:
Dissolution control and stability improvement of silica nanoparticles in aqueous media, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 25 (3), 40 (2023).
- E. Passerini, M. Lewerenz, M. Csontos, N. J. Olalla, K. Keller, J. Aeschlimann, F. Q. Xie, A. Emboras, X. Z. Zhang, M. Fischer, Y. Fedoryshyn, M. Luisier, Th. Schimmel, U. Koch, J. Leuthold:
Controlling Volatility and Nonvolatility of Memristive Devices by Sn Alloying, Acs Applied Electronic Materials, 5 (12), 6842-6849 (2023).
Publications 2022
- F. Xie, F. Ducry, M. Luisier, J. Leuthold, Th. Schimmel:
Ultralow-Power Atomic-Scale Tin Transistor with Gate Potential in Millivolt, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2200225 (2022).
- M. Mail, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, W. Barthlott, S. Gorb, L. Heepe:
Dry under water: air retaining properties of large-scale elastomer foils covered with mushroom-shaped surface microstructures, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 13 1370-1379 (2022).
- E. Berganza Eguiarte, E. Boltynjuk, G. Mathew, F. Vallejo, R. Gröger, T. Scherer, S. Sekula-Neuner, M. Hirtz:
3D Nanolithography by Means of Lipid Ink Spreading Inhibition, Small, 2205590 (2022).
Publications 2021
- S. Bauer, A. Rodrigues, L. Horák, B. Nergis, X. Jin, R. Schneider, R. Gröger, T. Baumbach, V. Holý:
Time-Resolved Morphology and Kinetic Studies of Pulsed Laser Deposition-Grown Pt Layers on Sapphire at Different Growth Temperatures by in Situ Grazing Incidence Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Langmuir, 37 (2), 734-749 (2021).
Publications 2020
- D. Gandyra, S. Walheim, S. Gorb, P. Ditsche, W. Barthlott, Th. Schimmel:
Air Retention under Water by the Floating Fern Salvinia: The Crucial Role of a Trapped Air Layer as a Pneumatic Spring, Small, 2003425 (2020).
- A. Böttcher, R. Schwaiger, T. M. Pazdera, D. Exner, J. Hauns, D. Strelnikov, S. Lebedkin, R. Gröger, F. Esch, B. A. J. Lechner, M. M. Kappes:
Nanoscale patterning at the Si/SiO2/graphene interface by focused He(+)beam, Nanotechnology, 31 (50), (2020).
- B. Rudolph, J. Berson, S. Held, F. Nitschke, F. Wenzel, T. Kohl, Th. Schimmel:
Development of thermo-reporting nanoparticles for accurate sensing of geothermal reservoir conditions, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 11422 (2020).
- P. I. Dietrich, G. Göring, M. Trappen, M. Blaicher, W. Freude, Th. Schimmel, H. Hölscher, C. Koos:
3D-Printed Scanning-Probe Microscopes with Integrated Optical Actuation and Read-Out, Small, 16 (2), e1904695 (2020).
- Th. Schimmel:
Reibungsreduktion und Antifouling mit bionischer Beschichtung, in: Materialforschung: Impulsgeber Natur - Innovationsptoential biologisch inspirierter Materialien, Hrsg.: P. Fratzl, K. Jacobs, M. Möller, T. Scheibel, K. Sternberg, utzverlag GmbH, München, ISBN 978-3-8316-4727-9, (2020).
- Th. Schimmel:
Friction Reduction and Antifouling with Bionic Coating, in: acatech DISCUSSION – National Academy of Science and Engineering, Eds.: P. Fratzl, K. Jacobs, M. Möller, T. Scheibel, K. Sternberg, Munich, 59 (2020).
Publications 2019
- M. Lojkowski, S. Walheim, P. Jokubauskas, Th. Schimmel, W. Swieszkowski:
Tuning the Wettability of a Thin Polymer Film by Gradually Changing the Geometry of Nanoscale Pore Edges, Langmuir, 35 (17), 5987-5996 (2019).
- Th. Schimmel:
Reibungsreduktion und Antifouling mit bionischer Beschichtung, in: acatech DISKUSSION, Hrsg.: P. Fratzl, K. Jacobs, M. Möller, T. Scheibel, K. Sternberg, utzverlag GmbH, München, ISSN 2192-6182, 62 (2019).
- J. Berson, M. Moosmann, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel:
Mechanically Induced Switching of Molecular Layers, Nano Lett, 19 (2), 816-822 (2019).
Publications 2018
- B. Rudolph, J. Berson, S. Held, F. Nitschke, F. Wenzel, T. Kohl, Th. Schimmel:
Development of thermo-reporting nanoparticles for accurate sensing of geothermal reservoir conditions, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 11422 (2020).
- F. Xie, A. Peukert, T. Bender, C. Obermair, F. Wertz, P. Schmieder, Th. Schimmel:
Quasi-Solid-State Single-Atom Transistors, Advanced Materials, 30 (31), 1801225 (2018).
- T. Staiger, F. Wertz, F. Q. Xie, M. Heinze, P. Schmieder, C. Lutzweiler, Th. Schimmel:
Macro-mechanics controls quantum mechanics: mechanically controllable quantum conductance switching of an electrochemically fabricated atomic-scale point contact, Nanotechnology, 29 (2), (2018).
- A. Bubendorf, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, E. Meyer:
A robust AFM-based method for locally measuring the elasticity of samples, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9 1-10 (2018).
Publications 2017
- A. Llevot, S. O. Steinmuller, B. Bitterer, B. Ridder, J. Berson, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, S. Brase, F. Scheiba, M. A. R. Meier:
Sequence-controlled molecular layers on surfaces by thiol-ene chemistry: synthesis and multitechnique characterization, Polymer Chemistry, 8 (38), 5824-5828 (2017).
- M. Moosmann, Th. Schimmel, W. Barthlott, M. Mail:
Air-water interface of submerged superhydrophobic surfaces imaged by atomic force microscopy, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8 1671-1679 (2017).
- F. Q. Xie, X. H. Lin, A. Gross, F. Evers, F. Pauly, Th. Schimmel:
Multiplicity of atomic reconfigurations in an electrochemical Pb single-atom transistor, Physical Review B, 95 (19), 195415 (2017).
- F. Xie, M. N. Kavalenka, M. Röger, D. Albrecht, H. Hölscher, J. Leuthold, Th. Schimmel:
Copper atomic-scale transistors, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8 530-538 (2017).
- N. J. Blumenstein, F. Streb, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, Z. Burghard, J. Bill:
Template-controlled piezoactivity of ZnO thin films grown via a bioinspired approach, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8 296-303 (2017).
- A. Kilmametov, R. Gröger, H. Hahn, Th. Schimmel, S. Walheim:
Bulk Density Measurements of Small Solid Objects Using Laser Confocal Microscopy, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2 (1), 1600115 (2017)(first published 11.11.2016).
Publications 2016
- G. Göring, P.-I. Dietrich, M. Blaicher, S. Sharma, J. G. Korvink, Th. Schimmel, C. Koos, H. Hölscher:
Tailored probes for atomic force microscopy fabricated by two-photon polymerization, Applied Physics Letters, 109 (6), 063101 (2016).
- V. Hartung, I. Medebach, S. Walheim:
Structural plastron in relict Gondwanan moss bugs (Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha: Peloridiidae) and its possible implications for systematics, biogeography and for the standard definition of plastron, Arthropod Structure & Development, 45 (5), 422-431 (2016).
- T. Glatzel, Th. Schimmel:
Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques III, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7 1052-1054 (2016).
- C. Koch, F. J. Eber, C. Azucena, A. Forste, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, A. M. Bittner, H. Jeske, H. Gliemann, S. Eiben, F. C. Geiger, C. Wege:
Novel roles for well-known players: from tobacco mosaic virus pests to enzymatically active assemblies, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7 613-629 (2016).
- T. Paust, T. Neckernuss, L. K. Mertens, I. Martin, M. Beil, P. Walther, Th. Schimmel, O. Marti:
Active multi-point microrheology of cytoskeletal networks, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7 484-491 (2016).
- N. J. Blumenstein, C. G. Hofmeister, P. Lindemann, C. Huang, J. Baier, A. Leineweber, S. Walheim, C. Woll, Th. Schimmel, J. Bill:
Chemical bath deposition of textured and compact zinc oxide thin films on vinyl-terminated polystyrene brushes, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7 102-110 (2016).
- A. Emboras, J. Niegemann, P. Ma, C. Haffner, A. Pedersen, M. Luisier, C. Hafner, Th. Schimmel, J. Leuthold:
Atomic Scale Plasmonic Switch, Nano Letters, 16 (1), 709-714 (2016).
Publications 2015
- D. Gandyra, S. Walheim, S. Gorb, W. Barthlott, Th. Schimmel:
The capillary adhesion technique: a versatile method for determining the liquid adhesion force and sample stiffness, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 11-18 (2015).
- T. Meier, A. Förste, A. Tavassolizadeh, K. Rott, D. Meyners, R. Gröger, G. Reiss, E. Quandt, Th. Schimmel, H. Hölscher:
A scanning probe microscope for magnetoresistive cantilevers utilizing a nested scanner design for large-area scans, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 451-461 (2015).
- A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel:
Quantitative Measurement of Fiber Pull-out by Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 21 (10-12), 260-262 (2015).
- A. Förste, M. Pfirrmann, J. Sachs, R. Gröger, S. Walheim, F. Brinkmann, M. Hirtz, H. Fuchs, Th. Schimmel:
Ultra-large scale AFM of lipid droplet arrays: investigating the ink transfer volume in dip pen nanolithography, Nanotechnology, 26 (17), (2015).
- K. Fuchise, P. Lindemann, S. Heissler, H. Gliemann, V. Trouillet, A. Welle, J. Berson, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, M. A. R. Meier, C. Barner-Kowollik:
A Photolithographic Approach to Spatially Resolved Cross-Linked Nano layers, Langmuir, 31 (10), 3242-3253 (2015).
- A. Kobler, T. Beuth, T. Klöffel, R. Prang, M. Moosmann, T. Scherer, S. Walheim, H. Hahn, C. Kübel, B. Meyer, Th. Schimmel, E. Bitzek:
Nanotwinned silver nanowires: Structure and mechanical properties, Acta Materialia, 92 (0), 299-308 (2015).
- R. Petrosyan, C. A. Bippes, S. Walheim, D. Harder, D. Fotiadis, Th. Schimmel, D. Alsteens, D. J. Müller:
Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy of Membrane Proteins from Membranes Freely Spanning Across Nanoscopic Pores, Nano Letters, 15 (5), 3624-3633 (2015).
- C. Huang, A. Forste, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel:
Polymer blend lithography for metal films: large-area patterning with over 1 billion holes/inch2, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 1205-1211 (2015).
- J. Liu, W. Zhou, S. Walheim, Z. Wang, P. Lindemann, S. Heissler, J. Liu, P. G. Weidler, Th. Schimmel, C. Wöll, E. Redel:
Electrochromic switching of monolithic Prussian blue thin film devices, OPTICS EXPRESS, 23 (11), 13725-13733 (2015).
- J. X. Liu, E. Redel, S. Walheim, Z. B. Wang, V. Oberst, J. X. Liu, S. Heissler, A. Welle, M. Moosmann, T. Scherer, M. Bruns, H. Gliemann, C. Wöll:
Monolithic High Performance Surface Anchored Metal-Organic Framework Bragg Reflector for Optical Sensing, Chemistry of Materials, 27 (6), 1991-1996 (2015).
- J. P. Best, J. Michler, J. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Tsotsalas, X. Maeder, S. Röse, V. Oberst, J. Liu, S. Walheim, H. Gliemann, P. G. Weidler, E. Redel, C. Wöll:
Nanomechanical investigation of thin-film electroceramic/metal-organic framework multilayers, Applied Physics Letters, 107 (10), 101902 (2015).
- P. Ditsche, E. Gorb, M. Mayser, S. Gorb, Th. Schimmel, W. Barthlott:
Elasticity of the hair cover in air-retaining Salvinia surfaces, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 121 (2), 505-511 (2015).
Publications 2014
- H. Gleiter, Th. Schimmel, H. Hahn:
Nanostructured solids - From nano-glasses to quantum transistors, Nano Today, 9 (1), 17-68 (2014).
- M. Röhrig, M. Mail, M. Schneider, H. Louvin, A. Hopf, Th. Schimmel, M. Worgull, H. Hölscher:
Nanofur for Biomimetic Applications, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1 (4)(2014).
- S. Zhong, Th. Koch, S. Walheim, H. Rösner, E. Nold, A. Kobler, T. Scherer, D. Wang, C. Kübel, M. Wang, H. Hahn, Th. Schimmel:
Self-organization of mesoscopic silver wires by electrochemical deposition, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5 1285-1290 (2014).
- L. Drozd, L. Kukharenko, Th. Schimmel, S. Chizhik, N. Maroz-Vadalazhskaya:
Evaluation of platelets surface morphology and their local elastic properties in patients with implanted heart ventricle in the early and late postoperative period by AFM, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 12 73-73 (2014).
- A. Grunbacher, T. Throm, C. Seidel, B. Gutt, J. Rohrig, T. Strunk, P. Vincze, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, W. Wenzel, R. Fischer:
Six Hydrophobins Are Involved in Hydrophobin Rodlet Formation in Aspergillus nidulans and Contribute to Hydrophobicity of the Spore Surface, Plos One, 9 (4), (2014).
- R. Eisele, N. J. Blumenstein, J. Baier, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, J. Bill:
Synthesis and characterization of textured Al-doped zinc oxide films prepared by template-directed deposition, CrystEngComm, 16 (8), 1560-1567 (2014).
- D. Gandyra: Der Salvinia-Effekt: Lufthaltung an biologischen und biomimetischen Oberflächen, Dissertation, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (2014).
- T. Glatzel, R. Garcia, Th. Schimmel:
Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques II, Beilstein J Nanotechnol, 5 2326-2327 (2014).
- C. Huang: Phase Separation in Thin Polymer Films: From Self-Stratification to Polymer Blend Lithography, Dissertation, Institute of Nanotechnology, Technische Universität Darmstadt (2014).
- X. H. Lin, A. Dasgupta, F. Q. Xie, Th. Schimmel, F. Evers, A. Gross:
Exchange processes in the contact formation of Pb electrodes, Electrochimica Acta, 140 505-510 (2014).
- P. Schnabele, R. Korytar, A. Bagrets, T. Roman, Th. Schimmel, A. Gross, F. Evers:
Ab Initio Transport Calculations for Single-Atom Copper Junctions in the Presence of Hydrogen Chloride, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (48), 28252-28257 (2014).
Publications 2013
- H. Gleiter, H. Hahn, Th. Schimmel:
Advances in nanomaterials, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 4, 805-806 (2013).
- C. Wege, F. J. Eber, C. Azucena, S. Degenhard, F. Geiger, A. M. Bittner, S. Walheim, A. Förste, C. Huang, Th. Schimmel, H. Jeske, H. Gliemann:
“Functionality-on-a-stick”: complex self-assembling virus derivatives – fabrication, activation and integration into technical environments, In: Th. Schimmel, H. v. Löhneysen, M. Barczewski, editors. Advances in Nanotechnology – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures. Stuttgart: Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung GmbH, 97-125 (2013).
- D. Martini, O. Marti, M. Beil, T. Paust, C. Huang, M. Moosmann, J. Jin, T. Heiler, R. Gröger, Th. Schimmel, S. Walheim:
Interaction of Epithelial Cells with Surfaces and Surfaces Decorated by Molecules, In: Th. Schimmel, H. v. Löhneysen, M. Barczewski, editors. Advances in Nanotechnology – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures. Stuttgart: Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung GmbH, 151-190 (2013).
- X. Lin, A. Dasgupta, F.-Q. Xie, A. Groß, F. Evers, Th. Schimmel:
Elucidating microscopic processes in electrochemically controlled Pb atomic-scale switches, In: Th. Schimmel, H. v. Löhneysen, M. Barczewski, editors. Advances in Nanotechnology – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures. Stuttgart: Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung GmbH, 197-219 (2013).
- B. Kopp, D. Benner, Z. Yi, J. Boneberg, F.-Q. Xie, C. Obermair, P. Leiderer, E. Scheer, Th. Schimmel:
Light-induced Effects in the Electronic Transport through Atomic Metal Point Contacts, In: Th. Schimmel, H. v. Löhneysen, M. Barczewski, editors. Advances in Nanotechnology – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Functional Nanostructures. Stuttgart: Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung GmbH, 257-273 (2013).
- E. Redel, Z. Wang, S. Walheim, J. Liu, H. Gliemann, C. Wöll:
On the dielectric and optical properties of surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks: a first study on epitaxially grown SURMOF thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett 103, 091903 (2013)
Publications 2012
- R. Maul, F.-Q. Xie, C. Obermair, G. Schön, Th. Schimmel, W. Wenzel:
Memory effects in electrochemically gated metallic point contacts, Applied Physics Letters 100 (20), 203511 (2012).
- C. Tian, Z. Liu, J. Jin, S. Lebedkin, C. Huang, H. You, R. Liu, L. Wang, X. Song, B. Ding, S. Walheim,
Th. Schimmel, J. Fang:
Gold mesoflower arrays with sub-10nm intraparticle gaps for highly sensitive and repeatable surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Nanotechnology 23 (16), 165604 (2012).
- C. Obermair, M. Kress, A. Wagner, Th. Schimmel:
Reversible mechano-electrochemical writing of metallic nanostructures with the tip of an atomic force microscope, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, 824-830 (2012)
- B. Kopp, Z. W. Yi, F. Q. Xie, C. Obermair, Th. Schimmel, J. Boneberg, P. Leiderer, E. Scheer:
Revealing thermal effects in the electronic transport through irradiated atomic metal point contacts, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, 703-711 (2012)
- C. Huang, M. Moosmann, J. H. Jin, T. Heiler, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel:
Polymer blend lithography: A versatile method to fabricate nanopatterned self-assembled monolayers, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, 620-628 (2012)
- T. Glatzel, H. Hölscher, Th. Schimmel, M. Z. Baykara, U. D. Schwarz, R. Garcia:
Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, 893-894 (2012)
- P. Ziemann, Th. Schimmel:
Physics, chemistry and biology of functional nanostructures, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, 843-845 (2012)
Publications 2011
- A. Melikyan, N. Lindenmann, S. Walheim, P. M. Leufke, S. Ulrich, J. Ye, P. Vincze, H. Hahn,
Th. Schimmel, C. Koos, W. Freude, J. Leuthold:
Surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator, Optics Express 19 (9), 8855-8869 (2011).
- C. Essmann, F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, Th. Schimmel, O. Deutschmann:
Coke Formation in Steam Reforming of Natural Gas over Rhodium/Alumina Catalysts: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study using the Oscillating Friction Mode, Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics 225 (11-12), 1207-1224 (2011).
- M. Helfrich, D. Z. Hu, J. Hendrickson, M. Gehl, D. Ruelke, R. Groeger, D. Litvinov, S. Linden, M. Wegener, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, M. Hetterich, H. Kalt, G. Khitrova, H. M. Gibbs, D. M. Schaadt:
Growth and annealing of InAs quantum dots on pre-structured GaAs substrates, Journal of Crystal Growth 323 (1), 187-190 (2011).
- B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, J. Krenn, S. Walheim, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel:
Spatially resolved drying kinetics of multi-component solution cast films for organic electronics, Chemical Engineering and Processing 50 (5-6), 509-515 (2011).
- T. Scherer, S. Zhong and Th. Schimmel:
Tensile Testing of Microstructures, Imaging and Microscopy 1, 44 (2011)
- M. Helfrich, R. Groeger, A. Foerste, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel, D. M. Schaadt:
Investigation of pre-structured GaAs surfaces for subsequent site-selective InAs quantum dot growth, Nanoscale Research Letters 6 (1), 211-214 (2011).
- R. Schuber, Y. L. Chen, C. H. Shih, T. H. Huang, P. Vincze, I. Lo, L. W. Chang, Th. Schimmel, M. M. C. Chou, D. M. Schaadt:
Growth of non-polar GaN on LiGaO(2) by plasma-assisted MBE, Journal of Crystal Growth 323 (1), 76-79 (2011).
- C. Obermair, A. Wagner, Th. Schimmel:
The atomic force microscope as a mechano-electrochemical pen, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2, 659-664 (2011).
- C. Obermair, H. Kuhn, Th. Schimmel:
Lifetime analysis of individual-atom contacts and crossover to geometric-shell structures in unstrained silver nanowires, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2, 740-745 (2011).
Publications 2010
- W. Barthlott, Th. Schimmel, S. Wiersch, K. Koch, M. Brede, M. Barczewski, S. Walheim, A. Weis,
A. Kaltenmaier, A. Leder, H.F. Bohn:
The Salvinia Paradox: Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Hydrophilic Pins for Air Retention under Water.
Advanced Materials 22 (21), 2325–2328 (2010).
- S. Lenhert, F. Brinkmann, T. Laue, S. Walheim, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, M. Xu, S. Sekula,
T. Mappes, Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs:
Lipid Multilayer Gratings.
Nature Nanotechnology 5 (4), 275–279 (2010).
- F.-Q. Xie, R. Maul, C. Obermair, W. Wenzel, G. Schön, Th. Schimmel:
Multi-Level Atomic-Scale Transistors based on Metallic Quantum Point Contacts,
Advanced Materials 22 (18), 2033–2036 (2010).
- F. Z. Zhang, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, O. Marti:
New laser apparatus to measure oscillation amplitude down to picometer at megahertz frequencies.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (3), 035116/1–035116/4 (2010).
- M. Barczewski, S. Walheim, T. Heiler, A. Blaszczyk, M. Mayor, Th. Schimmel:
High Aspect Ratio Constructive Nanolithography with a Photo-Dimerizable Molecule.
Langmuir 26 (5), 3623–3628 (2010).
- T. Geldhauser, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel, P. Leiderer, J. Boneberg:
Influence of the Relative Humidity on the Demixing of Polymer Blends on Prepatterned Substrates.
Macromolecules 43 (2), 1124–1128 (2010).
- S. Montero-Pancera, V. Trouillet, A. Petershans, D. Fichtner, A. Lyapin, M. Bruns, Th. Schimmel,
D. Wedlich, S. Reichlmaier, P. G. Weidler, and H. Gliemann:
Design of Chemically Activated Polymer Microwells by One-Step UV-Lithography for Stem Cell Adhesion.
Langmuir 26 (3), 2050–2056 (2010).
- H. Gliemann, M. Ballauff, Th. Schimmel:
Adsorption/Desorption Behavior of Charged Polymer Nanoparticles on a Mineral Surface in an Aqueous Environment.
In: F. H. Frimmel, R. Niesner (Eds.) Nanoparticles in the Water Cycle, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London, New York, ISBN 978-3-642-10317-9, Chapter 6, pp. 81–102 (2010).
- A. Pfrang, Y. Z. Wan, Th. Schimmel:
Early stages of the chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon investigated by atomic force microscopy.
Carbon 48 (3), 921–923 (2010).
- L. Pitta Bauermann, P. Gerstel, J. Bill, S. Walheim, C. Huang, J. Pfeifer, Th. Schimmel:
Templated Self-Assembly of ZnO Films on Monolayer Patterns with Nanoscale Resolution.
Langmuir 26 (6), 3774–3778 (2010).
- C. Obermair, F.-Q. Xie, Th. Schimmel:
The Single-Atom Transistor: Perspectives for Quantum Electronics on the Atomic-Scale.
Europhysics News, Invited Article, 41 (4), July–August (2010).
- S. Zhong, P. Dupeyrat, R. Groeger, M. Wang, T. Koch, Th. Schimmel:
Periodical Nanostructured Multiline Copper Films Self-Organized by Electrodeposition: Structure and Properties.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (9), 6144–6149 (2010).
- S. Zhong, D. Wang, T. Koch, M. Wang, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel:
Growth and Branching Mechanisms of Electrochemically Self-Organized Mesoscale Metallic Wires.
Crystal Growth & Design 10 (4), 1455–1459 (2010).
- A. Melikyan, T. Vallaitis, N. Lindenmann, Th. Schimmel. W. Freude and J. Leuthold:
A surface plasmon polariton absorption modulator.
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC'10), Paper JThE77, (2010).
- R. Schuber, M.M.C. Chou, P. Vincze, Th. Schimmel, D. Schaadt:
Growth of A-plane GaN on (010) LiGaO2 by plasma-assisted MBE.
Journal of Crystal Growth 312 (10), 1665–1669 (2010).
- C. Ziebert, B. Ketterer, M. Rinke, C. Adelhelm, S. Ulrich, K.-H. Zum Gahr, S. Indris, Th. Schimmel:
Constitution, microstructure, and battery performance of magnetron sputtered Li-Co-O thin film cathodes for lithium-ion batteries as a function of the working gas pressure.
Surface & Coatings Technology 205, 1589–1594 (2010).
- F.-Q. Xie, F. Hüser, F. Pauly, C. Obermair, G. Schön, Th. Schimmel:
Conductance of atomic-scale Pb contacts in an electrochemical environment.
Phys. Rev. B 82, 075417-1-5 (2010).
- Th. Schimmel:
Editorial, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 1 1-2 (2010).
Publications 2009
- S. Zhong, Th. Koch, M. Wang, T. Scherer, S. Walheim, H. Hahn, Th. Schimmel:
Nanoscale Twinned Copper Nanowire Formation by Direct Electrodeposition.
Small 5 (20), 2265–2270 (2009).
- C. Obermair, F.-Q. Xie, R. Maul, W. Wenzel, G. Schön, Th. Schimmel,
Single-atom transistors: switching an electrical current with individual atoms.
invited paper, In: H. Hahn, A. Sidorenko, I. Tiginyanu (Eds.) Nanoscale Phenomena – Fundamentals and Applications, Springer Serie: NanoScience and Technology, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York, 2009, pp.113–124.
- B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. F. G. Klein, K. Peters, F. Buss, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel:
In situ monitoring the drying kinetics of knife coated polymer-fullerene films for organic solar cells.
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (12) (2009)
- N. Mechau, R. Groeger, A. Prodi-Schwab, R. Schmechel:
Reduced conductivity in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophen)-poly(styrene sulfonate) and indium tin oxide nanocomposite for low indium tin oxide content.
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (5) (2009).
- L. V. Kukharenko, Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, L. G. Gelis, I. V. Lazareva:
Scanning Force Microscopy Study of Activated Human Platelets Interaction with Leucocytes and Red Blood Cells.
Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures 523–526 (2009).
- C. Obermair, F.-Q. Xie, Th. Schimmel:
The Single-Atom Transistor: Quantum Electronics at Room Temperature.
IEEE NANO 2009 Proceedings and also in IEEE Xplore database, (2009).
- B. Ketterer, H. Vasilchina, S. Ulrich, M. Stueber, H. Leiste, C. Adelhelm, T. Kaiser, Th. Schimmel:
Magnetron Sputtered Thin Film Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ton Batteries in the System Li-Co-O.
In NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics; Reithmaier, J. P., Petkov, P., Kulisch, W., Popov, C., Eds.; Springer: 405–409 (2009).
- D. Grabco, O. Shikimaka, E. Harea, N. Gehm, Th. Schimmel, T. Koch:
Anomalous dissolution of microindentation deformed zone of ITO/Si coated system.
Physica Status Solidi C – Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 6, No 5, 6 (5), 1295–1298 (2009).
- L. V. Kukharenko, Th. Schimmel, S. Walheim, T. Koshikawa, N. G. Tsirkunova, O. V. Aleinikova, T. V. Shman:
K562 Cells Study with Scanning Force and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy.
Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures 527–530 (2009).
Publications 2008
- F.-Q. Xie, R. Maul, A. Augenstein, C. Obermair, E.B. Starikov, G. Schön, Th. Schimmel, W. Wenzel,
Independently switchable atomic quantum transistors by reversible contact reconstruction.
Nano Lett. 8 (9), 2944–2948 (2008).
- F. Xie, R. Maul, C. Obermair, E.B. Starikov, W. Wenzel, G. Schön,
Th. Schimmel:
Pre-selectable integer quantum conductance of electrochemically fabricated
silver point contacts.
Applied Physics Letters 93 (4), 3103 (2008).
- N. Deyneka-Dupriez, U. Herr, H.-J. Fecht, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, B.
Reznik, D. Gerthsen:
Interfacial adhesion and friction of pyrolytic carbon thin films
on silicon substrates.
Journal of Materials Research 23 (10), 2749-2756 (2008).
- S. Kalinina, H. Gliemann; M. Lopez, A. Petershans, J. Auernheimer, M.
Bruns, Th. Schimmel,
H. Kessler, A. Schambony, D. Wedlich:
Isothiocyanate-functionalized RGD-peptides for tailoring cell-adhesive
surface patterns.
Biomaterials 29, 3004–3013 (2008).
- S. Anteboth, A. Brückner-Foit, M.J. Hoffmann, U. Sutter, Th. Schimmel,
M. Müller:
Electromechanical behaviour of PZT with real domain structure.
Computational Materials Science 41, 420–429( 2008).
- A. Pfrang, M. Müller, Th. Schimmel,
Chemical Contrast Imaging.
Photonik, 02/08 (2008).
- M. Smetanin, R.N. Viswanath, D. Kramer, D. Beckmann, Th. Koch,
L.A. Kibler, D.M. Kolb, J. Weissmüller:
Surface stress-charge response of a (111)-textured gold electrode
under conditions of weak ion adsorption.
Langmuir 24 (16), 8561–8567 (2008).
- S. Zhong, Th. Koch, S. Walheim, E. Nold, T. Scherer, H. Hahn, M. Wang,
Th. Schimmel,
Nanodraht-Arrays aus Kupfer durch selbstorganisierte galvanische
Photonik (Nanotechnik) 01/08 (2008)
- T. Geldhauser, P. Leiderer, J. Boneberg, S. Walheim, Th. Schimmel:
Generation of Surface Energy Patterns by Pulsed Laser Interference
on Self-Assembled Monolayers.
Langmuir 24 (22), 13155–13160 (2008).
Publications 2007
- F. Hennrich, R. Krupke, K. Arnold, J.A.R. Stütz, S. Lebedkin, Th.
Koch, Th. Schimmel, M. Kappes: The mechanism of cavitation-induced scission
of single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007).
- H. Gliemann, A.T. Almeida, D.F.S. Petri, Th. Schimmel:
Nanostructure formation in polymer thin films influenced by humidity.
Surf. Interface Anal. 39, 1–8 (2007).
- B.J. Mullins, A. Pfrang, R.D. Braddock, Th. Schimmel, G. Kaspers:
Detachment of liquid droplets from fibres – experimental and
theoretical evaluation
of detachment force due to interfacial tension effects.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 312, 333–340(2007).
- V. Zdravkov, A. Sidorenko, A. Rossolenko, V. Ryazanov, I. Bdikin, O. Krömer,
E. Nold, Th. Koch, Th. Schimmel:
Reliable preparation of high-quality superconducting thin films for
Journal of Physics 61, 606–611 (2007).
- A. Pfrang, K. Schladitz, A. Wiegmann, Th. Schimmel:
Calculation of the Evolution of Surface Area and Free Volume During
the Infiltration of Fiber Felts.
Chem. Vap. Deposition 13, 705–715 (2007).
Publications 2006
- F.-Q. Xie, C. Obermair and Th. Schimmel:
Configuring a Bistable Atomic Switch by Repeated Electrochemical
Invited articlein: R. Gross et al. (eds.), Nanoscale Devices – Fundamentals
and Applications. Springer, 153–162, 2006.
- A, Sidorenko, V. Zdravkov, V. Ryazanov, S. Horn, S. Klimm, R. Tidecks,
A. Wixforth,
Th. Koch, Th. Schimmel:
Thermally activated Flux Flow in MgB2: Strong Magnetic Field Dependence
of the Activation Energy.
Invited articlein, R. Gross et al. (eds.), Nanoscale Devices – Fundamentals
and Applications. Springer, 142, (2006).
- S.M. Pancera, H. Gliemann, Th. Schimmel, D.F.S. Petri:
Effect of pH on the adsorption and activity of creatine phosphokinase.
J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 2674–2680 (2006).
- S.M. Pancera, H. Gliemann, Th. Schimmel, D.F.S. Petri:
Adsorption behaviour and activity of hexokinase.
J. Coll. Interface Sci. 302, 417–423 (2006).
- Th. Schimmel, F.-Q. Xie and C. Obermair:
Quantenelektronik: Weltweit erster atomarer Transistor
Elektronik 55 (20), 14–17 (2006)
- H. Gliemann, Y. Mei, M. Ballauff, Th. Schimmel:
Adhesion of spherical polyelectrolyte brushes on mica: an in situ
AFM investigation.
Langmuir 22, 7254–7259 (2006).
- J. López Gejo, N. Manoj, S. Sumalekshmy, H. Gliemann, Th. Schimmel,
M. Wörner, A.M. Braun;
Vacuum-ultraviolet photochemically initiated modification of polystyrene
surfaces: morphological changes and mechanistic investigations.
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 5, 948–954 (2006).
- V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, J. Hawecker, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang,
Th. Schimmel:
Development of texture and deposition rates during the early stages
of pyrolytic carbon deposition in a hot-wall reactor.
Carbon 44, 3091–3101 (2006).
- M. Müller, Th. Schimmel, P. Häußler, H. Fettig, O. Müller,
A. Albers:
Finite Element Analysis of V-shaped Cantilevers for Atomic Force
Microscopy under Normal and Lateral Force Loads.
Surf. Interface Anal. 38, 1090–1095 (2006).
- Ch. Poulton, Ch. Koos, M. Fujii, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel, J. Leuthold,
W. Freude:
Radiation modes and roughness loss in high index-contrast waveguides.
IEEE Journ. Of selected topics in Quantum Electronics 12(6), 2006
- F. Xie, C. Obermair, Th. Schimmel:
Elektrische Ströme schalten mit einzelnen Atomen.
Physik i. u. Z. 6, 159–160 (2006).
- A. Gigler, C. Gnahm, O. Marti, Th. Schimmel, S. Walheim:
Towards quantitative materials characterization with Digital Pulsed
Force Mode imaging
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2006)
Publications 2005
- A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen:
Microstructure Analysis of a Carbon-Carbon Composite Using Argon
Ion Etching.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 11, 46–55 (2005).
- J. Lopéz-Gejo, H. Gliemann, Th. Schimmel, A. M. Braun:
Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photochemically Initiated Modification of Polystyrene
Photochemistry and Photobiology 81 (4), 777–782 (2005).
- T.S. Balaban, M. Linke-Schaetzel, A.D. Bhise, N. Vanthuyne, Ch. Roussel,
C.E. Anson, G. Buth, A. Eichhöfer, K. Foster, G. Garab, H. Gliemann,
R. Goddard, T. Javorfi, A.K. Powell, H. Rösner, Th. Schimmel:
Structural Characterization of Artificial Self-assembling Porphyrins
that Mimic the Natural Chlorosomal Bacteriochlorophylls c, d and e.
Chem. Eur. J. 11, 2267–2275 (2005).
- H. Gliemann, Th. Koch, M. Ballauff, Th. Schimmel:
Große Kräfte für kleine Partikel: Die Counterion
Release Force als treibende Kraft für die Beschichtung.
Photonik 2, 81–82 (2005).
- A.T. Almeida, H. Glieman, D.F.S. Petri, Th. Schimmel:
Characterization of PMMA/PVB Blend Films by Atomic Force Microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis 11, 122–125 (2005).
- S.M. Pancera, H. Gliemann, D.F.S. Petri, Th. Schimmel:
Adsorption Behaviour of Creatin Phosphokinase onto Silicon Wafers:
Comparison Between Ellipsometric and Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation
Microscopy and Microanalysis 11, 56–59 (2005).
- A. Sidorenko, V. Zdravkov, V. Ryazanov, S. Horn, S. Klimm, R. Tidecks,
A. Wixforth, Th. Koch, Th. Schimmel:
Thermally Assisted Flux Flow In MgB2 : Strong Magnetic Field Dependence
of the Activation Energy.
Phil. Mag. 85, No 16, p.1783 (Juni 2005).
- Th. Schimmel, F.-Q. Xie, C. Obermair:
Atomare Elektronik: Mit einzelnen Atomen elektrische Ströme schalten.
Spezial Nanotechnik in: Photonik 6, Dezember 2005.
Publications 2004
- F.Q. Xie, L. Nittler, C. Obermair, and Th. Schimmel:
Gate-controlled atomic quantum switch,
Physical Review Letters 93, (12) 2004)
- M. Müller, Th. Fiedler, R. Gröger, Th. Koch, S. Walheim, C. Obermair, and Th. Schimmel:
Controlled Structuring of Mica Surfaces with the Tip of an AFM by
Mechanically Induced Local Etching,
Surface and Interface Analysis 36, 189–192 (2004)
- C. Obermair, R. Kniese, F.-Q. Xie, and Th. Schimmel:
Quantized Conductance in Atomic-Scale Point Contacts Formed by Local
Electrochemical Deposition of Silver,
Invited Paper In: Molecular Nanowires and other Quantum Objects,
Eds. A.S. Alexandrov, J. Demsar, and I.K. Yanson, NATO Science Series:
II, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht
2004) 233–242
- M. Linke-Schaetzel, A. D. Bhise, H. Gliemann, Th. Koch, Th. Schimmel,
and T. S. Balaban:
Self-Assembled Chromophores for Hybrid Solar Cells,
Thin Solid Films 451–452, 16–21 (2004)
- P. von Blanckenhagen, M. Chao, R. Gröger, Th. Koch, and Th. Schimmel:
Magnetic Clusters and Cluster Agglomeration Analysed by Scanning
Force Microscopy,
Surface and Interface Analysis 36, 161–165 (2004)
- A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel:
Quantitative Analysis of Pyrolytic Carbon Films by Polarized Light
Surface and Interface Analysis 36, 184–188 (2004)
- A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen:
Microstructure Analysis of a Carbon-Carbon Composite Using Argon
Ion Etching,
Proc. Carbon 2004, Providence, USA (2004).
- A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel:
Quantitative Analysis of Pyrolytic Carbon by Polarized Light Microscopy,
Proc. Carbon 2004, Providence, USA (2004).
- A. Pfrang, Y.Z. Wan, V. De Pauw, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel:
Early Stages of the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Pyrolytic Carbon
Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy,
Proc. Carbon 2004, Providence, USA (2004).
- A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel:
Intermediate Phases of Pyrolytic Carbon Observed by Atomic Force
Proc. Carbon 2004, Providence, USA (2004).
- V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel:
Microscopic Investigations of Pyrolytic Carbon Islands Deposited
on Silicon Substrates,
Proceedings Carbon 2004, Providence, USA (2004).
- A.Sidorenko, V. Zdravkov, S. Horn, R. Tidecks, A. Wixforth, Th. Koch,
Th. Schimmel:
Thermally Activated Flux Flow in Superconducting MgB2 Films.
Invited Article, “NANORES-2004”,
Kazan 2004, p.14–p18
- F.-Q. Xie, C. Obermair, and Th. Schimmel:
Switching an Electrical Current with Atoms: the Reproducible Operation
of a Multi-Atom Relay,
Solid State Communications 132, 437–442 (2004).
Publications 2003
- A .Pfrang, B. Reznik, Th. Schimmel, D. Gerthsen:
Comparative Study of Differently Textured Pyrolytic Carbon
Layers by Atomic Force, Transmission Electron and Polarized Light Microscopy.
Carbon 41, 181–185 (2003)
- Y. Mei, A. Wittemann, G. Sharma, M. Ballauff, Th. Koch, H. Gliemann,
J. Horbach and
Th. Schimmel:
Engineering the Interaction of Latex Spheres with Charged Surfaces:
AFM Investigations of Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes on Mica.
Macromolecules 36, 3452–3456 (2003)
- E.G. Bortchagovsky, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel;
Optical Properties of Pyrolytic Carbon Deposits Deduced from Measurements
of the Extinction Angle by Polarized Light Microscopy
Carbon 41, 2430–2433 (2003)
- V. De Pauw, A. Collin, W. Send, D. Gerthsen, A. Pfrang, Th. Schimmel:
Early Stages of Pyrolytic Carbon Deposition on Planar Substrates
in a Hot-Wall Reactor.
Carbon 2003, Oviedo, Spanien (2003), ISBN 84-607-8305-7, B15
- A.T. Almeida, H. Gliemann, Th. Schimmel, D.F.S. Petri:
Adsorption Kinetic of Enolase on Silicon Studied ny In-Situ Ellipsometry
and Wet AFM
Acta Microscopica, Suppl. A, 12, 41–44 (2003)
Publications 2002
- A. Pfrang, K.J. Hüttinger und Th. Schimmel:
Adhesion Imaging of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Materials in the Pulsed
Force Mode of the AFM.
Surface and Interface Analysis 33, 96–99 (2002)
- U. Neuberth, L. Walter, G. von Freymann, Th. Schimmel, M. Wegener, G.
Khitrova, H.M. Gibbs:
Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Nano-Photoluminescence Images
of Single GaAs Quantum Wells.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 1881–1883 (2002)
- Th. Schimmel:
Nanotechnologie – Vorstoß in atomare Dimensionen.
Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle 12, 542–546 (2002); eingeladener
- A. Pfrang, B. Reznik, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel:
A Comparative Study of Pyrocarbon Microstructure by Atomic Force,
Transmission Electron and Polarized Light Microscopy
Proc. Carbon 02, 26th Conference on Carbon, 2002, H052.
- A. Pfrang, I. Yalman, H. Gliemann, K.J. Hüttinger, Th. Schimmel:
Investigation of Chemical Vapor Infiltrated Carbon Fiber Felts by
Combined Scanning Force Techniques.
Proc. Carbon 02, 26th Conference on Carbon, 2002, H048.
- S. M. Pancera, E. B. Alvarez, M. J. Politi, H. Gliemann, Th. Schimmel,
D. F. S. Petri:
Adsorption Behaviour of Creatine Phosphokinase onto Solid Substrates.
Langmuir 18, 3517–3523 (2002).
Publications 2001
- R. Kemnitzer, Th. Koch, J. Küppers, M. Lux-Steiner, and Th. Schimmel:
Atomic-Scale Processes of Tribomechanical Etching Studied
by Atomic Force Microscopy on the Layered Material NbSe2.
Invited Paper, In Fundamentals of Tribology
and Bridging the Gap between Macro- and Micro/Nanoscale Tribology,
Ed. B. Bhushan, NATO-ASI Series (Kluwer, Dordrecht 2001) 495–502
- M. Müller, Th. Fiedler und Th. Schimmel:
Nanostructuring of Calcite Surfaces by Tribomechanical Etching with
the Tip of an Atomic Force Microscope.
Invited Paper, In Fundamentals of Tribology and
Bridging the Gap between Macro- and Micro/Nanoscale Tribology , Ed.
B. Bhushan, NATO-ASI Series (Kluwer, Dordrecht 2001) 487–494.
- Th. Schimmel and W.J. Lorenz:
Nanostructuring of Polycrystalline and Single Crystalline Gold Electrodes
by Copper Electrodeposition using In Situ Scanning Probe Methods.
In: Scanning Probe Techniques for Materials: Characterization
at Nanometer Scale, Eds. D.C. Hansen, H.S. Isaacs, and K. Sieradzki,
PV 2000-35, The Electrochemical Society Series, (Pennington, NJ 2001) 25.
- C. Obermair, M. Müller, Ch. Klinke, and Th. Schimmel:
Local Electrical Deposition of Metal Islands Mechanically Induced
with the Tip of an Atomic Force Microscope.
Invited Paper, Acta Physica Sinica (Intl. Ed.) 10,
S151–06 (2001).
- A. Berlinger, H. Gliemann, M. Barczewski, P.E.R. Durigon, D.F. Siqueira
Petri, and Th. Schimmel:
Influence of Sulphonating on Polymer and Polymer Blend Surfaces Studied
by Atomic Force Microscopy.
Surface and Interface Analysis 32, 144–147 (2001).
- G. von Freymann, E. Kurtz, C. Klingshirn, D. Litvinov, D. Gerthsen, Th. Schimmel und M. Wegener:
Autocorrelation Spectroscopy on Single Ultrathin Layers of CdSe/ZnSe:
Hints for a Non-Thermal Distribution of Excitons in Quantum Islands.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Near-Field Optics
and Related Techniques NFO-6, The Netherlands (August 2000), Journal of
Microscopy 202, 218–222 (2001).
- P.E.R. Durigon, D.F. Siqueira Petri, H. Drings, Th. Schimmel, and M.
Characterization and Modification of Polymer Blends.
Colloids and Polymer Science 279, 1013–1019
Publications 2000
- D. Lüerßen, R. Bleher, H. Richter, Th. Schimmel, H. Kalt,
A. Rosenauer, D. Litvinov, A. Kamilli, D. Gerthsen, K. Ohkawa, B. Jobst
und D. Hommel:
Localization of Excitons in Pairs of Natural Dots Induced by Stacking
Faults in ZnSe Quantum Wells.
phys. stat. sol. (a) 178, 189–192 (2000).
- G. von Freymann, D. Lüerßen, C. Rabenstein, M. Mikolaiczyk,
H. Richter, H. Kalt, Th. Schimmel, M. Wegener, K. Okhawa und D. Hommel:
Near-Field Photoluminescence Imaging of Single Defects in a ZnSe
Quantum Well Structure at Low Temperatures.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 203–205 (2000).
- D. Lüerßen, R. Bleher, H. Kalt, H. Richter, Th. Schimmel,
A. Rosenauer, D. Litvinov, A. Kamilli, D. Gerthsen, B. Jobst, K. Ohkawa
und D. Hommel:
Stacking-Fault-Induced Pairs of Localizing Centers in ZnSe Quantum
Journal of Crystal Growth 214/215, 634–638 (2000).
- M. Evers, Th. Palberg, N. Dingenouts, M. Ballauff, H. Richter und Th. Schimmel:
Vitrification in Restricted Geometry: Dry Films of Colloidal Particles.
Progr. Coll. Polym. Sci. 115, 307–314 (2000).
Publications 1999
- D. Siqueira Petri, S. Choi, H. Beyer, Th. Schimmel, M. Bruns, and G.
Synthesis of a Cellulose Thiosulfate and its Immobilization on Gold
Polymer 40, 1593 (1999).
- R. Wittmann, S. Spindler, B. Fischer, H. Wagner, D. Gerthsen, J. Lange,
M. Brede, J. Klöwer, P. Schunk, and Th. Schimmel:
Transmission Electron Microscopic Investigation of the Microstructure
of Fe-Cr-Al Alloys:
Journal of Materials Science, 34, 1791 (1999).
- T. Walter, A. Rosenauer, R. Wittmann, D. Gerthsen, F. Fischer, T. Gerhard,
A. Waag, G. Landwehr, P. Schunk, and Th. Schimmel:
Structural Properties of BeTe/ZnSe Superlattices.
Phys. Rev. B 59(12), 8114 (1999).
- Th. Schimmel, P. von Blanckenhagen, and W. Schommers:
Nanometer-Scale Structuring by Application of Scanning Probe Microscopes
and Self-Organisation Processes.
Appl. Phys. A 68, 263ff (1999).
- A. Belenchuk, O. Shapoval, V. Kantser, A. Fedorov, P. Schunk, Th. Schimmel,
and Z. Dashevsky:
Growth of (111)-oriented PbTe Thin Films on Vicinal Si(111) and on Si(100)
Using Fluoride Buffers.
J. Cryst. Growth 198/199, 1216 (1999).
- S. Molitor, P. Güthner, M. Müller, and Th. Schimmel:
Scanning Force Microscopy on Au(111) in UHV Giant Atomic Corrugations on
a Metal Surface.
Appl. Phys. A 68, 263ff (1999).
- Th. Schimmel, Th. Koch, J. Küppers, and M. Lux-Steiner:
True Atomic Resolution under Ambient Conditions Obtained by Atomic Force
Microscopy in the Contact Mode.
Appl. Phys. A 68, 399 (1999).
- H. Beyer, M. Müller, and Th. Schimmel:
Monolayers of Graphite Rotated by a Defined Angle: Hexagonal Superstructures
by STM.
Appl. Phys. A 68, 163 (1999).
- Ch. Adelmann, J. Hetzler, G. Scheiber, Th. Schimmel, M. Wegener, H. Weber,
and H. von Löhneysen:
Experiments on the Depolarisation Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 179 (1999).
- D. Siqueira Petri, G. Wenz, P. Schunk, Th. Schimmel, M. Bruns, and M.A.
Surface Modification of Thin Polystyrene Films.
Colloid & Polym. Sci. 277, 673–679 (1999).
- D.F. Siqueira-Petri, G. Wenz, P. Schunk, and Th. Schimmel:
An Improved Method for the Assembly of Amino-Terminated Monolayers
on SiO2 and the Vapor Deposition of Gold Layers.
Langmuir 15, 4520 (1999).
- G. von Freymann, M. Wegener, and Th. Schimmel:
Depolarization Nearfield Scanning Optical Microscopy: Influence of Wavelength
and Tip-Shape on the Lateral Resolution.
Surface and Interface Analysis (SIA) 27, 499 (1999).
- G. von Freymann, Ch. Adelmann, G. Scheiber, Th. Schimmel, and M. Wegener:
The Depolarization NSOM: Comparison of Experiment and Theory.
J. Microscopy 194, 491 (1999).
- D. Lüerßen, R. Bleher, H. Richter, Th. Schimmel, H. Kalt,
A. Rosenauer, D. Litvinov, A. Kamilli, D. Gerthsen, K. Ohkawa, B. Jobst,
and D. Hommel:
Radiative Recombination Centers Induced by Stacking-Fault Pairs in
ZnSe/ZnMgSSe Quantum Well Structures.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 3944 (1999).
- Th. Schimmel:
Rastersondenmikroskope als Werkzeuge und Messsonden für die Nanometer-Skala.
Nachrichten Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 32, 217–23
Publications 1998
- V. Popp, R. Kladny, Th. Schimmel, and J. Küppers:
Structuring of Mica Surfaces with a Vibrating AFM Tip.
Surf. Sci. 401, 105 (1998).
- G. von Freymann, Th. Schimmel, M. Wegener, B. Hanewinkel, A. Knorr, and
S.W. Koch:
Computer Simulations by NSOM: Can Subwavelength Resolution be ObtainedUsing
Uncoated Optical Fibre Probes?.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 73(9), 1170 (1998).
- D. Siqueira Petri, G. Wenz, P. Schunk, and Th. Schimmel:
Amino-terminated self-assembled monolayers on SiO2 and their interaction
chromophors, proteins and ionomers.
Proc. 216th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, (1998).
- G. Wenz, F. Siqueira Petri, S.W. Choi, H. Beyer, Th. Schimmel, and M.
Formation of Monolayers of Cellulose Thiosulfates on Gold and Silver
Proc. 216th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, (1998).
- R. Friedrich, Th. Galla, A. Naert, J. Peinke, and Th. Schimmel:
Disordered Structures Analysed by the Theory of Markov Processes.
J. Parisi, S. Müller und W. Zimmermann, A Perspective Look at
Non-Linear Media, Seiten 313–326, Springer Verlag, Berlin/New York, (1998).
- G. von Freymann, Th. Schimmel, and M. Wegener:
Parallel Computing on Nearfield Scanning Optical Microscopy.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '98, E. Krause
und W. Jäger (Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, (1998).
- G. von Freymann, Th. Schimmel, and M. Wegener:
Computer Simulations: Subwavelength Resolution with an Apertureless SNOM.
Appl. Phys. A, 66, (1998) S939.
- M. Grün, F. Funfrock, P. Schunk, Th. Schimmel, M. Hetterich, and
C. Klingshirn:
On the Nature of Nanometer-Scale Islands Formed by Cadmium Selenide Deposition
on Hexagonal Cadmium Sulfide (0001)A.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 73(10), 1343 (1998).
Publications 1997
- U. von Toussaint, Th. Schimmel, and J. Küppers:
Computer Simulation of the AFM/LFM Imaging Process: Hexagonal versus
Honeycomb Structure on Graphite.
Surface and Interface Analysis 25, 620 (1997).
Publications 1996
- Th. Schimmel, S. Böhringer, and J. Küppers:
Nano-Characterisation and Material Contrast on Heterogeneous Samples
by Scanning Force Techniques.
Proc. XIth International Congress of the European Societies for
Electron Microscopy, EUREM´96.
Publications 1995
- Th. Schimmel, R. Kemnitzer, J. Küppers, H. Fuchs, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Writing and Deleting Atomic-Scale Structures with the STM.
Thin Solid Films 254, 147 (1995).
- Th. Schimmel, R. Kemnitzer, J. Küppers, Ch. Kloc, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Nanometer Scale Machining of Covalent Monolayers Investigated by Combined
H.-J. Güntherodt, D. Anselmetti und E. Meyer (Hrsg.), Forces
in Scanning Probe Methods, NATO ASI-Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht, S. 519–524,
- Th. Schimmel, R. Kemnitzer, J. Küppers, Ch. Kloc, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Giant Atomic Corrugations on Layered Dichalcogenides Investigated by AFM/LFM.
H.-J. Güntherodt, D. Anselmetti und E. Meyer (Hrsg.), Forces in
Scanning Probe Methods, NATO ASI-Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht, S. 513–518, (1995).
- Th. Schimmel, K. Friemelt, J. Küppers, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Atomic-Resolution Imaging of ReS2 by AFM/LFM.
H.-J. Güntherodt, D. Anselmetti und E. Meyer (Hrsg.), Forces in
Scanning Probe Methods, NATO ASI-Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht, S. 525–530, (1995).
- Th. Schimmel, B. Winzer, J. Küppers, and M. Schwoerer:
Investigating Monomer and Polymer Crystals of the Diacetylene TS-6 by Atomic
Force Microscopy.
"Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopies", Wiley, Bern,
- Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Generating Atomic-Scale Replica of the STM Tip Apex with Preserved
Atomic Order.
"Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopies", Wiley, Bern,
- Th. Schimmel, J. Küppers, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Atomic Resolution Imaging of the Layered Dichalcogenide WSe2 by AFM and
"Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopies", Wiley, Bern,
- Th. Schimmel, K. Friemelt, M. Lux-Steiner, and E. Bucher:
Combined Atomic Force-, Friction Force- and Local Elasticity Microscopy
on ReS2 Crystals: Surface Topography and Material Contrast.
Surface and Interface Analysis 23, (1995) 399.
- Th. Schimmel, J. Küppers, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Lattice Resolution AFM on the Layered Dichalcogenide WSe2 in the
Sliding Regime.
Thin Solid Films 264, 212 (1995).
Publications 1994
- Th. Schimmel, and H. Fuchs:
Löschbare Strukturen auf atomarer Skala.
Phys. Bl. 50, 573 (1994).
- Th. Schimmel, H.-G. Bingler, D. Franzke, and A. Wokaun:
Scanning Force Microscopy on Silver Island Films: Correlation
between Particle Geometry and Optical Properties.
Adv. Mater. 6(4), 303 (1994).
- Th. Schimmel, B. Winzer, R. Kemnitzer, Th. Koch, J. Küppers, and
M. Schwoerer:
Layer-by-Layer Growth and Decomposition of an Organic Crystal Observed
in Real Time by Atomic Force Microscopy.
Adv. Mater. 6(4), 307 (1994).
Publications 1993
- G. Paasch, S. Karg, Th. Schimmel, W. Rieß, and M. Schwoerer:
Comparison of Heterogeneous Polymer Models for the Explanation of
Charge Transport in Naarmann-Polyacetylene,
Synth. Metals 55–57, 4872 (1993).
- Th. Schimmel, B. Winzer, J. Küppers and M. Schwoerer:
Polymerization and Layer by Layer Growth of Diacetylene Single Crystals
Investigated by Scanning Force Microscopy.
Proc. of the Bayreuth Polymer and Research Symposium, Bayreuth, (1993).
- H. Fuchs, Th. Schimmel, S. Akari, L.M. Eng, M. Anders M. Lux-Steiner,
and K. Dransfeld:
Layered Semiconductors as Materials for (Sub)Nanometer Scale Surface Modification
with the STM.
V.T. Binh et al. (eds.): Nanosources and Manipulation of Atoms Under
High Fields and Temperatures: Applications, S. 203–309, Kluwer, (1993).
Publications 1992
- Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, R. Sander, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Atomically resolved STM Imaging of Ion-bombarded WSe2.
Ultramicroscopy 42–44, 683 (1992).
- H. Fuchs, Th. Schimmel, M. Lux-Steiner, and E. Bucher:
Investigating Atomic-scale Structures Generated with the STM.
Ultramicroscopy 42–44, 1294 (1992).
- Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Generation and Manipulation of Atomic-scale Structures with the STM.
phys. stat. sol. (a) 131, 47 (1992).
- Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, K. Graf, and R. Sander:
Annealing Behaviour of Ion-bombarded WSe2: A Combined LEED and STM Study.
phys. stat. sol. (a) 131, 89 (1992).
- Th. Schimmel, L. Eng, H. Fuchs, and M. Lux-Steiner:
Mechanical Nanostructuring of WSe2 with the STM: Tip Shape Dependence and
Writing Techniques.
Annales de Chimie, 17, 205 (1992).
- Th. Schimmel, M. Schwoerer, and H. Naarmann:
Conductivity Barriers and Transmission Electron Microscopy on Highly Conducting
H. Kuzmany, M. Mehring und S. Roth (Hrsg.), Springer Series in Solid
State Sciences, Vol. 107, Electronic Properties of Polymers, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg,
S. 81 (1992).
Publications 1991
- Th. Schimmel, D. Gläser, M. Schwoerer und H. Naarmann:
Properties of Highly Conducting Polyacetylene.
J.L. Brédas und R. Silbey (Hrsg.), Conjugated Polymers, Kluwer,
Dordrecht, S. 49 (1991).
- Th. Schimmel, H. Fuchs, S. Akari, and K. Dransfeld:
Nanometer-Size Surface Modifications with Preserved Atomic Order
Generated by Voltage Pulsing.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 1039 (1991).
- H. Fuchs, and Th. Schimmel:
Atomic Sites of a Bare Surface Modified with the Tunneling Microscope.
Adv. Mater. 3, 112 (1991).
- H. Fuchs, and Th. Schimmel:
Time-stable Modifications of Bare Surfaces on an Atomic Scale.
"Scanned Probe Microscopy", Hrsg. K. Wickramasinghe, American
Institute of Physics, New York, S. 480–489 (1991).
until 1990
- Th. Schimmel, M. Schwoerer, and H. Naarmann:
Mechanisms Limiting the DC Conductivity of High-Conductivity Polyacetylene.
Synth. Metals, 37, 1 (1990).
- H. Fuchs, R. Laschinski, and Th. Schimmel:
Atomic Resolution of Nanometer Scale Plastic Surface Deformations
by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.
Europhys. Lett. 13(4), 307 (1990).
- Th. Schimmel, G. Denninger, W. Rieß, J. Voit, M. Schwoerer,
W. Schoepe, and H. Naarmann:
High-Θ Polyacetylene: DC Conductivity between 14 mK
and 300 K.
Synth. Metals 28, D11 (1989).
- D. Gläser, Th. Schimmel, M. Schwoerer, and H. Naarmann:
On the Relationship between Room-Temperature Conductivity and
Morphology of Polyacetylene.
Makromol. Chem. 190, 3217 (1989).
- Th. Schimmel, M. Schwoerer , and H. Naarmann:
Mechanisms of Microscopic and Macroscopic Charge Transport in the Quasi-Onedimensional
Organic Conductor (FA)2X.
Synth. Metals 33, 311 (1989).
- Th. Schimmel, W. Rieß, J. Gmeiner, G. Denninger, M. Schwoerer,
H. Naarmann, and N. Theophilou:
DC Conductivity on a New Type of Highly ConductingPolyacetylene, N-(CH)x,.
Solid State Commun. 65, 1311 (1988).
- Th. Schimmel, W. Rieß, G. Denninger, and M. Schwoerer:
Precision Conductivity Measurements and DSC on Single Crystals
of the Organic Conductor (FA)2PF6.
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 91, 901 (1987).